About Us
Riverland Treated Pine located at Loxton North in the Riverland of South Australia. It is owned by Morgan Sawmill Jamestown, which is is a family business, owned and operated throughout 3 generations by the Morgan Families.
Timber is sourced from the sustainable resource forestry areas in the Mid North, South East, and the Adelaide Hills of South Australia.
Our timber range includes posts and poles, along with a wide variety of dressed and sawn timber, produce bins, reeded decking, sleepers and lattice.
Our treatment plant at Loxton North can treat timber/posts with Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) or Tan-E. CCA treatment has been relied on for generations to provide dependable protection against termites and decay.
Riverland Treated Pine is able to provide an alternative to CCA timber. Referred to in the treatment industry as Tan E or ACQ, these products provide a safe alternative to traditionally treated timber.
We offer a range of contract treatment options and are able to custom treat timber to your required Hazard Level.
Contact us for more details.

Riverland Treated Pine is owned by Morgan Sawmill in Jamestown
​Morgan Sawmill also own Sawmill Direct Case & Pallets, located at 22 Wingfield Road
Morgan Sawmill is located in Jamestown SA, a family business, owned and operated throughout 3 generations by the Morgan Families.
The product range is extensive and includes posts, structural timber, pallets, bins/boxes, woodchips, sawdust and decking to name a few.
Sawmill Direct Case & Pallet is located at 22 Wingfield Road.
Products including pallets, vegetable bins, and export containers are manufactured here for the SA markets.